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"Hardcopy" refers to printed or written output of digital data. It can be generated by a computer or other electronic devices and includes printed pages, reports, letters, and any other document that is printed on paper or other media. In the context of computing, hardcopy refers to output that is printed instead of being displayed on a computer screen or other electronic device. This output can be used for record-keeping, document distribution, or as a final product that requires physical retention.
Hardcopy is important in many industries and fields, including finance, healthcare, education, and manufacturing. It is commonly used in accounting to generate invoices and receipts, in healthcare to create medical reports and prescriptions, and in education to produce lecture notes and study guides.
To ensure accurate hardcopy output, it is important to verify the settings on your computer or other device before printing. You should check for any errors in formatting or layout, as well as make sure that all necessary information has been included in the document you want to print. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your hardcopy is professional-looking and meets your specific needs.
In summary, hardcopy refers to printed or written output generated by electronic devices. It plays an important role in various industries and requires proper setup and verification before printing to ensure high-quality results.
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"Hardcopy"是指打印输出或者复印的文件或图像。它可以通过打印机、复印机等设备进行操作,可以将数字信息转换成纸质形式,方便保存和分享。在计算机领域中,通常使用"打印"功能来实现 Hardcopy 的功能,而在其他领域中,则是通过专门的设备来完成。
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"Hardcopy" is a term used to refer to printed or written material, as opposed to digital content. It can refer to anything from a printed book or magazine to a handwritten note or a printed advertisement. In the context of technology, "hardcopy" often refers specifically to printed output from a computer, such as a printed report or a printed graph. The term "hardcopy" comes from the fact that this type of output is typically produced on physical media that is more durable and long-lasting than digital output.
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Hardcopy是指将计算机中的图像或文本打印出来。常见的hardcopy设备包括打印机、复印机和扫描仪等。通过这些设备,用户可以将计算机上的文件或网页等内容转换成实际可见的物理形式,并保留下来。 Hardcopy功能在计算机应用中非常重要,因为它允许用户将电子文档保存为永久性记录,并且可以方便地分享和分发这些记录。另外,许多文档处理软件也提供了图形用户界面(GUI),方便用户进行打印设置和预览等操作。
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"Hardcopy" refers to a physical printed or written form of a digital document or image. It is commonly referred to as a printed copy or a hard copy. In digital media, a hardcopy represents an actual physical manifestation of a digital data set and is typically produced by a printer or copier. The term "hardcopy" is often used interchangeably with "paper" or "printout" to refer specifically to this physical medium. Hardcopies are useful for situations where there is a need for a tangible record or when information needs to be shared with people who do not have access to digital devices. Hardcopies can also be used as reference materials when working on complex digital projects. In general, hardcopies are not as portable as digital media but they are often necessary in specific contexts where security or accessibility are concerns.
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