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14%那边是在更新 更新完出点play play=开始游戏 profile= 召唤师资料 collection= 英雄符文天赋什么的 champion =英雄 skin=衣服 另外一个是主页 还有商店里买服务 经验卡金币卡啥的 !
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I'm a girl from China.Don't know English.Please use sight to conversition(哇,都能玩上美服,佩服你啊,姐姐!)
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Supplementary question: because the terminology in the game do not understand, I should be able to get the common language. So here are willing to please God help me to translate, you can take a look at my opinion, if you are a senior LOL players, I think you will be interested.
The following is my sentence, a little bit long, but hope that the great God to look, you can take the time to help me translate the next group sentence, very grateful.
I am a Chinese mainland players, I often go on the road in the LOL. The positioning of the road tanks and semi-tanks, tanks, tanks talent, but I found few options 21:00 tanking from S1 to S3 version on the single-player talent. So I think we should BUFF tanking, such as tanking 21 o'clock last changed when your health drops to 20% will provide you with a total value of life is 10% -13% of the shield, the shield sometimes trigger instant damage will be subject to direct lethal, such as Galen's big move. Before the death of the player, less subject to 3% of the total damage and provide you with Shield I think this value should be about 10% of the value of life, this shield, however, was able to in the previous example, playing wild three pairs BUFF GANK and you two and easier to escape, but also make the players very powerful burst damage in the opposite is more likely to survive. This may allow more people to go on the road this talent, and the players choose this talent, his attire is likely to tanking, there would be too many players complained about a game, no tanks, I think This method can try to bring a lot of changes, the change will give the player's attire and play. Also enables players to play in the battle. After all, 21:00 tanking players I think it is too little.
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I am a Chinese game player,I oftengoon the roadin LOL.The roadis positioned generallytanksandtank,tanktanktalent,but I foundfrom the S1 to theS3 version,talentselectiononsinglegame playerrarely have21tanking.So I think we shouldBUFFtanking,such as tanks21 point talentfinallychangedwhen your life isdecreased to a value of 20%willprovide you with atotal value of lifefor your10%-13%shield,theshieldwill bedirectlyinthe moment of injuryanddeathbytriggering,such as Galen's ultimate.Because in thegame playerbefore death,less susceptible todamageby 3%andgives you10%HPshieldI thinkthis value should besimilar,but theshieldcanearly insuch as playingfieldof 3 pairs ofBUFFto GANK youand youare level two,are more likely toescape,also can make thegame playerintheoutbreakhurt verybadly,are more likely to survive.This mayallow more peopletook to the road toselectthis talent,butthetalentselectionandagame player,hisoutfitis likelytotanking talentdevelopment,will nothave too manygame playercomplained ofagame,nota tank,Ithink this methodcan give it a try,this changetothegame playerandplaywithmany of the changes.Also can make thegame playerin the battle,moreplay.After all,nowusing a 21 pointtalentgame playerI thinktanksor too little 还有其实我觉得你发中文的他们应该看得懂而且会更尊重一点,并且他们不可能认不到中文吧~
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因为现在很少人点21点防御是因为大家都很浪很暴力很喜欢杀人 所以永远是输出防御
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